Flying the Nest
Moving into this home six months ago, our first home, was quite a strain. Moving house is said to be the second biggest stressful thing you can do in life, the first being divorce. So it’s no surprise that this was made altogether more difficult with the RA. The endless shifting of boxes, the lack of a bed for 2 nights and the cleaning, urgh god, the fingers were stiffened into a whole new shape after hours of scrubbing. I don’t know how these people do it, those that feel they need to move after a year or two. Our house may not be the perfect family home with its one bedroom and bathroom on a terrace street, but I’m damned if I’m moving again any time soon! I feel like I’ve moved around enough lately. Going to University in Northampton meant moving house three times, not including the trip back home for however many months in my second year due to the onset of arthritis. Yep, not the greatest of timings! One thinks one will stay put for now.
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