Sunday, 9 August 2009

To Drink Or Not To Drink?

Last night I was woken up by the sound of a woman throwing up all over the street after a night on the town. This continued for a whole hour after getting into her home opposite ours... It was yet another reminder of why I will never let myself drink to the excess. But, yes, that’s right, I DO drink as an RA sufferer and I DO drink on tablets which clearly state not to do so. This, as most of us know, is because the tablets can deteriorate our liver as it is, (as well as most other organs!) I’ve always wandered how many others out there do the same? My meds are Methotrexate which I take 5 of on a weekly basis. Pretty much every weekend, as a minimum, I will share a bottle of wine with the other half. And this doesn’t include the odd drink at a pub in the week if we feel like it, and it doesn’t include exchanging the wine on the sofa for a night out of fairly heavy drinking.
I guess the main reason I do so is because my monthly blood tests of the state of my liver almost always show a normal result. If it didn’t, then I’m fairly certain I’d cut back. But is this the proper way of thinking? And is it setting myself up for a fall?
The thing is, we already have to deal with the arthritis itself, and for a lot of us, it means not being able to do the things we used to do such as sports. So why should it take away this other pleasure that most of us get from having a drink? Or am I just trying to find excuse here?
Any thoughts?

Please keep in mind however people:


Anonymous,  17 August 2009 at 22:16  

Hi Cheryl,

I've often wondered about this one, I'm 21 and on methotrexate too and am determined not to give up alcohol completely - as you say, we have to give up so much else (being able to walk properly, for instance!) so we should be allowed some small pleasures! I know it's not really about 'being allowed', it's about what's right for your body - but like you, if my bloods ever show anything abnormal then I think I would be able to cut back. After all your liver's more important I suppose. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though! I find that I get a bad hangover very easily since being on MTX though - maybe my body is trying to tell me something!

Cheryl,  23 August 2009 at 22:11  

Ah yes, I do find I get drunk far more easily! Only question is, is it the meds or is it me just turning into an old woman before my time? No, no, it's the meds, definately the meds!!

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